The injection moulding dream team: Porcerax II venting steel structured with 3D-LaserEngraving.
The venting system with the air-permeable, sintered steel Porecrax II allows air and gas to escape through the tool. The material itself is characterised by high levels of strength, hardness and resilience.
In conjunction with digital 3D-LaserTechnology, and the use of an inserted piece, Porcerax II can be lasered very easy. And the result of the lasered engraving is surprisingly good; it is mainly used in the area of a B-surface. The first successful attempts have already been made to make the engraving on Porcerax II look even better and to extend the use of engraving to functional areas and A-surfaces.
The best service in injection moulding is close to KRÜTH's heart, just like the best possible surface engraving.
Your direct contact: tectalk(at)krueth(dot)de